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lglass is a Python software package designed for Internet Registries like the DN42. You can generate zone files for DNS and rDNS IPv4/v6, and handle the registry. It is available on GitHub as free software:
$ git clone git://github.com/fritz0705/lglass.git
## Links
- [Fritz Gihub repo](https://github.com/fritz0705/lglass)
- [lglass Manual](http://lglass.flonet.dn42/)
## Running your own Whois daemon
lglass provides an event-based whois daemon with internal caching, which was written in Python. It is very simple to run an instance:
$ ./bin/lglass-whoisd
without the configfile:
$ ./bin/lglass-regtool whoisd -H $HOST -p $PORT
usage: lglass-whoisd [-h] [-4] [-6] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
[--cidr] [--no-cidr] [--inverse] [--no-inverse]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-4 Listen on IPv4
-6 Listen on IPv6
--host HOST, -H HOST Listen on host
--port PORT, -p PORT Listen on port
--cidr, -c Perform CIDR matching on queries
--no-cidr Do not perform CIDR matching on queries
--inverse, -i Perform inverse matching on queries
--no-inverse Do not perform inverse matching on queries
## Generate zone files
lglass also provides a script to generate zone files from the registry. It's named zonegen.py and requires a registry dump from Monotone.
To generate DNS zones:
$ ./bin/lglass-zonegen -d $PATH_TO_DATA_DIR -n ns1... -n ns2... -e foo.bar.com dns -z dn42
To generate IPv4 rDNS zones:
$ ./bin/lglass-zonegen -d $PATH_TO_DATA_DIR -n ns1... -n ns2... -e foo.bar.com rdns4 -N
To generate IPv6 rDNS zones:
$ ./bin/lglass-zonegen -d $PATH_TO_DATA_DIR -n ns1... -n ns2... -e foo.bar.com rdns6 -N fd00::/8
## Reformat RPSL files
You can also reformat RPSL files using lglass by using the lglass.rpsl module:
$ ./bin/lglass-rpsl < $DATA/inetnum/
lglass.rpsl also supports in-place operation:
$ ./bin/lglass-rpsl -i $DATA/inetnum/
This opens the file, reads the content into memory, seeks to position 0, writes the formatted object and truncates the file.
Simple web interface
lglass also comes with a simple web interface written in Python3 using Bottle and Jinja2. It also provides a binary to run it using wsgiref:
$ ./bin/lglass-web
Furthermore you can use any WSGI server like Gunicorn by using lglass.web.application:app as WSGI callback. You can provide a path to the configuration file in the environment variable `LGLASS_WEB_CFG`.
## Configuration
The configuration file format is JSON and allows configuration of the database chain, the listen parameters, the custom messages and the process management.
| Option | Meaning |
| listen.host |IP address for listening socket (Default: ::)|
|listen.port|TCP port for listening socket (Default: 4343)|
|listen.protocol|Protocol for listening socket (4 or 6, by default 6)|
|database|Array of database URLs to initialize database chain|
|database.types|Array of object types in database (Default: undefined)<br/>Default chain:<br/>[<br/> "whois+lglass.database.file+file:.",<br/> "whois+lglass.database.cidr+cidr:",<br/> "whois+lglass.database.schema+schema:",<br/> "whois+lglass.database.cache+cached:"<br/>]|
|messages.preamble|String preamble for whois responses|
|messages.help|String help message for help requests|
|process.user|User to change after initialization|
|process.group|Group to change after initialization|
|process.pidfile|Path to PID file|
- Routing Policy Specification Language [RFC2622](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2622)
- Routing Policy Specification Language next generation (RPSLng) [RFC4012](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4012)
- <http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/db/rpsl>
- <http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/db/rpsl/transition-to-rpsl-version-of-the-ripe-database>