There are forwarding rules for _PERSON_ @ to the mail addresses which hav been given in the registry. Please note that the trailing `-DN42` is stripped from the local part.
By default on Debian, Exim refuses to send mail to other mailservers when they resolve to RFC1918 addresses. This will manifest by the following error message when trying to send a mail:
** foo@bar.dn42: all relevant MX records point to non-existent hosts
This is controlled by the `ignore_target_hosts` variable in the configuration file.
### Receiving emails
Don't forget to add your dn42 domains to the list of local domains, so that you accept incoming emails. On Debian, it is controlled by `dc_other_hostnames` in `update-exim4.conf.conf`. For instance:
The Domain mails should be received for has to be added to `mydestination =` in
### EAI
Email Address Internationalization (EAI) as defined in [RFC 6531]( (SMTPUTF8 extension), [RFC 6532]( (Internationalized email headers) and [RFC 6533]( (Internationalized delivery status notifications).
### Postfix
Introduced with Postfix version 3.0, this fully supports UTF-8 email addresses and UTF-8 message header values.
more at the [SMTPUTF8_README](