.\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii ndppd.conf.5 .\" .TH NDPPD\&.CONF 5 "9/18/2011" "NDP Proxy Daemon Manual" "NDP Proxy Daemon Manual" .SH NAME ndppd.conf \- configuration file for ndppd .SH DESCRIPTION The syntax is as follows: .PP .EX proxy eth0 { rule 1234:5678::/96 { } } .EE .PP The configuration file must contain one or more .B proxy sections, and each of these section must contain one or more .B rule sections. .PP The .B ndppd daemon listens on the interface specified as an argument to the .B proxy section. Once a .B Neighbor Solicitation message arrives, it will try to match the target address against the address specified as the argument of the .B rule section. .SH OPTIONS .IP "proxy " Adds a proxy and binds it to the specified .IR interface . See below for information about .BR "proxy options" . .SH PROXY OPTIONS .IP "rule
" Adds a rule with the specified .I address to the proxy. It may be a an IP such as 1234::1 or a subnet such as 1111::/96. See below for information about .BR "rule options" . .IP "ttl " Controls how long .B ndppd will cache an entry. This is in milliseconds, and the default value is 30000 (30 seconds). .IP "timeout " Controls how long .B ndppd will wait for a Neighbor Advertisement message after forwarding a Neighbor Solicitation message according to the rule. This is in milliseconds, and the default value is 500 (.5 second). .IP "router " Controls if .B ndppd should send the .I router bit when sending Neighbor Advertisement messages. The default value here is .B yes. .SH RULE OPTIONS .IP "iface " Specify which .I interface the Neighbor Solicitation message will be sent out through. If this option is not specified, .B ndppd will immediately answer with a Neighbor Advertisement message if the rule matches, without querying an interface. It's recommended that you set this value to avoid sending responses for IPs that does not exist. .SH AUTHOR Daniel Adolfsson .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ndppd(1)