2017-01-07  Johnathan Sharratt <johnathan.sharratt@gmail.com>

    * Version 0.2.6

        * Added a new configuration setting named "deadtime" which allows
          sessions that never made it the VALID to have a different (i.e.
          shorter) life before they are removed (and potentially retried)
          (defauilt is the same value as usual TTL for backwards compatibility)
        * Added a new configuration setting named "autowire" in the proxy
          section (default is off)
        * If the "autowire" setting is on, then upon receiving a NDP
          Neighbor Advertisment from one of the rule interfaces, a route will
          be automatically added into the linux IP routing tables thus allowing
          for a full featured gateway when IPv6 forwarding is turned on.
          Note: Be careful as "accept_ra" may need to be set to 2 on the
          interface during testing for the routing tables to retain their
          default route (unrelated to this patch but took me a while to
        * When a session ends then anything that was "autowired" will be
          automatically removed thus ensuring the routing tables are in a
          similar state to before the daemon (or session) made any changes
        * Added a feature where the session will attempt to renew itself
          (with a new NDP Solicitation) before it self-terminates, this is
          required otherwise packets could be lost when the session terminates
          triggering the automatically removal of the route table entry.
        * Ensured that renew operations only take place if the session has
          been recently touched by an external solicitation - this ensures
          that sessions that become IDLE are cleaned up quickly
        * Moved the daemonizing step till after the system executed the
          configure step so that the error exit codes are returned to the daemon
        * No longer continuing to load the daemon if any of the interfaces fail
          to load which should give a more predictable behaviour and better user experience.

2016-04-18  Daniel Adolfsson  <daniel@priv.nu>

    * Version 0.2.5

        * Defer configuration of interfaces until after daemonized; fixes an
          issue where ndppd would fail to set ALLMULTI on the interface

        * Fix a cast so ndppd can be compiled on GCC 6.

        * Fix so ndppd changes working directory to / and umask to 0 once

2015-10-13  Daniel Adolfsson  <daniel@priv.nu>

    * Version 0.2.4

        * Fix an issue where ndppd daemonizes too early.

        * Fix to make sure the right pid is written to the pidfile.

2012-09-21  Daniel Adolfsson  <daniel@priv.nu>

    * Version 0.2.3

2012-02-06  Daniel Adolfsson  <daniel@priv.nu>

    * Version 0.2.2

        * Removed "libconfuse" dependency.

        * New "auto" configuration to detect outgoing interface, for forwarding
          Neighbor Solicitation Messages.

        * Improved logging.

        * Bug fixes related to memory management.

2012-01-26  Daniel Adolfsson  <daniel@priv.nu>

    * Author changed e-mail address; updated copyright info.

2011-10-11  Daniel Adolfsson  <daniel.adolfsson@tuhox.com>

    * Initial Release; 0.2.1