// ndppd - NDP Proxy Daemon // Copyright (C) 2011 Daniel Adolfsson // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include #include #include "ndppd.h" #include "proxy.h" #include "iface.h" #include "session.h" NDPPD_NS_BEGIN std::list > session::_sessions; static address all_nodes = address("ff02::1"); void session::update_all(int elapsed_time) { for (std::list >::iterator it = _sessions.begin(); it != _sessions.end(); ) { if (!*it) { _sessions.erase(it++); continue; } ptr se = *it++; if ((se->_ttl -= elapsed_time) >= 0) { continue; } switch (se->_status) { case session::WAITING: logger::debug() << "session is now invalid"; se->_status = session::INVALID; se->_ttl = se->_pr->deadtime(); break; default: se->_pr->remove_session(se); } } } session::~session() { logger::debug() << "session::~session() this=" << logger::format("%x", this); for (std::list >::iterator it = _ifaces.begin(); it != _ifaces.end(); it++) { if (_autowire == true) { handle_auto_unwire((*it)); } (*it)->remove_session(_ptr); } } ptr session::create(const ptr& pr, const address& saddr, const address& daddr, const address& taddr, bool auto_wire) { ptr se(new session()); se->_ptr = se; se->_pr = pr; se->_saddr = address("::") == saddr ? all_nodes : saddr; se->_taddr = taddr; se->_daddr = daddr; se->_autowire = auto_wire; se->_ttl = pr->timeout(); _sessions.push_back(se); logger::debug() << "session::create() pr=" << logger::format("%x", (proxy* )pr) << ", saddr=" << saddr << ", daddr=" << daddr << ", taddr=" << taddr << ", autowire=" << (auto_wire == true ? "yes" : "no") << " =" << logger::format("%x", (session* )se); return se; } void session::add_iface(const ptr& ifa) { if (std::find(_ifaces.begin(), _ifaces.end(), ifa) != _ifaces.end()) return; ifa->add_session(_ptr); _ifaces.push_back(ifa); } void session::send_solicit() { logger::debug() << "session::send_solicit() (_ifaces.size() = " << _ifaces.size() << ")"; for (std::list >::iterator it = _ifaces.begin(); it != _ifaces.end(); it++) { logger::debug() << " - " << (*it)->name(); (*it)->write_solicit(_taddr); } } void session::send_advert() { _pr->ifa()->write_advert(_saddr, _taddr, _pr->router()); } void session::handle_auto_wire(const ptr& ifa) { logger::debug() << "session::handle_auto_wire() taddr=" << _taddr << ", ifa=" << ifa->name(); std::stringstream route_cmd; route_cmd << "ip"; route_cmd << " " << "-6"; route_cmd << " " << "route"; route_cmd << " " << "replace"; route_cmd << " " << std::string(_taddr); route_cmd << " " << "dev"; route_cmd << " " << ifa->name(); logger::debug() << "session::system(" << route_cmd.str() << ")"; system(route_cmd.str().c_str()); } void session::handle_auto_unwire(const ptr& ifa) { logger::debug() << "session::handle_auto_unwire() taddr=" << _taddr << ", ifa=" << ifa->name(); std::stringstream route_cmd; route_cmd << "ip"; route_cmd << " " << "-6"; route_cmd << " " << "route"; route_cmd << " " << "flush"; route_cmd << " " << std::string(_taddr); route_cmd << " " << "dev"; route_cmd << " " << ifa->name(); logger::debug() << "session::system(" << route_cmd.str() << ")"; system(route_cmd.str().c_str()); } void session::handle_advert(const ptr& ifa) { if (_autowire == true) { handle_auto_wire(ifa); } handle_advert(); } void session::handle_advert() { logger::debug() << "session::handle_advert() taddr=" << _taddr << ", ttl=" << _pr->ttl(); _status = VALID; _ttl = _pr->ttl(); send_advert(); } const address& session::taddr() const { return _taddr; } const address& session::saddr() const { return _saddr; } const address& session::daddr() const { return _daddr; } bool session::autowire() const { return _autowire; } int session::status() const { return _status; } void session::status(int val) { _status = val; } NDPPD_NS_END