#!/bin/bash ########################################################################## # # This script is intended to be run via cron job to sync a local, # authoritative DNS server's root zone with the registry information # provided by dn42regsrv. # # As is, the script is specific to updating PDNS within the burble.dn42 # network, however it is also intended to be easily adaptable to other # DNS servers and networks # ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # This array is used to define additional, local networks that the # DNS server may be authoritative for. The array is used to prevent # the related resource records from being removed automatically, # as any records not listed here or in the registry will get deleted. # Make sure to include '.' here or the local NS and SOA records # will get removed IGNORE_RECORDS=( '.' '$ORIGIN' 'ns1.burble.dn42' 'burble.dn42' 'collector.dn42' '' '160/' '0/' ) ########################################################################## # The functions here are used to actually update the DNS server # Change these to use a different server than PDNS PDNSUTIL='/usr/bin/pdnsutil' PDNSCTRL='/usr/bin/pdns_control' # replace_rr function replace_rr { local rr_name=$1; shift local rr_type=$1; shift local rr_content=$* echo "Replace: ${rr_name} ${rr_type} '${rr_content}'" if [ ${DEBUG} -eq 0 ] then ${PDNSUTIL} replace-rrset . ${rr_name} ${rr_type} "${rr_content}" fi } # delete_rr function delete_rr { local rr_name=$1 local rr_type=$2 echo "Delete: ${rr_name} ${rr_type}" if [ ${DEBUG} -eq 0 ] then ${PDNSUTIL} delete-rrset . ${rr_name} ${rr_type} fi } # list the current contents of the root zone function get_current_root_zone { local rra rr_name rr_type rr_content while read -r -a rra do rr_name=${rra[0]} rr_type=${rra[3]} rr_content=${rra[@]:4} current_rz["${rr_name} ${rr_type}"]=${rr_content} done < <(${PDNSUTIL} list-zone .) } # update the . SOA record after a change function update_soa { echo "Incrementing SOA serial" if [ ${DEBUG} -eq 0 ] then ${PDNSUTIL} increase-serial . fi } # used to trigger a notify to any slaves of this server function notify_slaves { echo "Notfying slaves" if [ ${DEBUG} -eq 0 ] then ${PDNSCTRL} notify . fi } ########################################################################## # No further local customisation should be needed from here ########################################################################## # initialise script parameters and global vars function usage { echo "Usage: $0 [-h] [-d] [-a URL] [-c FILE]" echo " -h: this help" echo " -d: enable debugging and don't action changes" echo " -a: URL to dn42regsrv API" echo " -c: file in which to store previous commit number" } # default options DEBUG=0 APIURL="http://explorer.burble.dn42/api" COMMITFILE="/tmp/.sync_rz_commit" # parse any arguments passed to the script while getopts ":hda:" opt do case ${opt} in d) DEBUG=1 ;; a) APIURL=${OPTARG} ;; *) usage exit 0 ;; esac done # global vars declare -A current_rz declare -A new_rz current_commit='' new_commit='' deleted_records=0 updated_records=0 ########################################################################## # fetch and parse the root zone data from the API function fetch_new_root_zone { local line fields rr_name rr_type rr_content while read -r line do if [[ ${line} == ';; Commit Reference:'* ]] then new_commit=${line#;; Commit Reference: } else # strip out comments and create array fields=( ${line%%;*} ) # if the line is a valid record if [ ${#fields[@]} -ge 4 ] then rr_name=${fields[0]} rr_type=${fields[2]} rr_content=${fields[@]:3} new_rz["${rr_name} ${rr_type}"]=${rr_content} fi fi done < <(/usr/bin/wget -O - -q "${APIURL}/dns/root-zone?format=bind") if [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]; then echo "New Commit: ${new_commit}"; fi } ########################################################################## # load and store the previous commit function load_current_commit { read -r current_commit < "${COMMITFILE}" if [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]; then echo "Current Commit: ${current_commit}"; fi } function store_current_commit { if [ ${DEBUG} -eq 0 ] then echo "${1}" > "${COMMITFILE}" fi } ########################################################################## # remove records that have been deleted function is_ignored { local rr_name=$1 for i in "${IGNORE_RECORDS[@]}" do [ "${i}" == "${rr_name}" ] && echo "ignored" done echo "" } function remove_deleted_records { local key rr_name ignored deleted_records=0 # check each record in the old root zone for key in "${!current_rz[@]}" do ignored=$(is_ignored ${key% }) # if record is not ignored, and no new record exists if [ "${ignored}" == '' -a "${new_rz[${key}]}" == '' ] then # then get rid of it delete_rr ${key} deleted_records=$((deleted_records + 1)) fi done echo "Deleted ${deleted_records} records" } ########################################################################## # update records that have been added or changed function update_new_records { local key content updated_records=0 # check each new record for key in "${!new_rz[@]}" do content="${new_rz[${key}]}" # if old record didn't exist, or content differs if [ "${current_rz[${key}]}" != "${content}" ] then # update the record replace_rr $key ${content} updated_records=$((updated_records + 1)) fi done echo "Updated ${updated_records} records" } ########################################################################## # main flow of the script starts here echo "DN42 Root Zone Sync" date echo fetch_new_root_zone # check that the commit was populated if [ "${new_commit}" == '' ] then echo "Unable to fetch new root zone, aborting" exit 1 fi load_current_commit # now check if anything actually needs to be done if [ "${new_commit}" == "${current_commit}" ] then echo "Commits are equal, nothing to do" exit 0 fi get_current_root_zone # apply changes remove_deleted_records update_new_records # bail out if there were no actual differences if [ $((deleted_records + updated_records)) -eq 0 ] then echo "No records were updated, exiting" else # update the SOA and send out a notification to slaves update_soa notify_slaves fi # finally store the new commit to show it's been updated store_current_commit "${new_commit}" echo "All done" ########################################################################## # end of code