2012-01-27 00:05:38 +01:00

221 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File

import sys
import os
import subprocess
import re
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib import quote
from toolbox import mask_is_valid, ipv6_is_valid, ipv4_is_valid, resolve
from bird import BirdSocketSingleton
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, redirect, session, request
app = Flask(__name__)
#def same_origin_policy_hander(resp):
# resp.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
# return resp
def add_links(text):
if type(text) in [ str, unicode ]:
text = text.split("\n")
ret_text = []
for line in text:
# Some heuristic to create link
if line.strip().startswith("BGP.as_path:") or \
line.strip().startswith("Neighbor AS:") :
ret_text.append(re.sub(r'(\d+)',r'<a href="/whois/\1" class="whois">\1</a>',line))
line = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}){1,2})(\s|$)', r'<a href="/whois/\1" class="whois">\1</a>\2',line)
line = re.sub(r'AS(\d+)', r'<a href="/whois/\1" class="whois">AS\1</a>',line)
line = re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', r'<a href="/whois/\1" class="whois">\1</a>',line)
hosts = "/".join(request.path.split("/")[2:])
line = re.sub(r'\[(\w+)\s+((|\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s)(|\d\d:)\d\d:\d\d|\w\w\w\d\d)', r'[<a href="/detail/%s?q=\1">\1</a> \2' % hosts, line)
line = re.sub(r'(^|\s+)(([a-f\d]{0,4}:){2,10}[a-f\d]{0,4})', r'\1<a href="/whois/\2" class="whois">\2</a>',line , re.I)
return "\n".join(ret_text)
def set_session(req_type, hosts, proto, request_args):
session.permanent = True
session.update( {
"req_type": req_type,
"hosts": hosts,
"proto": proto,
"request_args": request_args,
history = session.get("history", {})
req_hist = history.get(req_type, [])
if request_args and request_args not in req_hist: req_hist.insert(0, request_args)
if not history: session["history"] = {}
session["history"][req_type] = req_hist[:10]
def bird_command(host, proto, query):
return bird_proxy(host, proto, "bird", query)
def bird_proxy(host, proto, service, query):
path = ""
if proto == "ipv6": path = service + "6"
elif proto == "ipv4": path = service
port = app.config["PROXY"].get(host,"")
if not port or not path:
return False, "Host/Proto not allowed"
url = "http://%s.%s:%d/%s?q=%s" % (host, app.config["DOMAIN"], port, path, quote(query))
f = urlopen(url)
resultat =
status = True # retreive remote status
except IOError:
resultat = "Failed retreive url: %s" % url
status = False
return status, resultat
def inject_all_host():
return dict(all_hosts="+".join(app.config["PROXY"].keys()))
def hello():
return redirect("/summary/%s/ipv4" % "+".join(app.config["PROXY"].keys()) )
def error_page(text):
return render_template('error.html', data = { "error": text } ), 500
def whois(query):
asnum = int(query)
query = "as%d"%asnum
m = re.match(r"[\w\d-]*\.(?P<domain>[\d\w-]+\.[\d\w-]+)$", query)
if m: query = query.groupdict()["domain"]
output = subprocess.Popen( [ 'whois', query], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode('utf-8', 'ignore').replace("\n","<br>")
return jsonify(output=output, title=query)
SUMMARY_UNWANTED_PROTOS = ["Kernel", "Static", "Device"]
SUMMARY_RE_MATCH = r"(?P<name>[\w_]+)\s+(?P<proto>\w+)\s+(?P<table>\w+)\s+(?P<state>\w+)\s+(?P<since>((|\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s)(|\d\d:)\d\d:\d\d|\w\w\w\d\d))($|\s+(?P<info>.*))"
def summary(hosts, proto="ipv4"):
set_session("summary", hosts, proto, "")
command = "show protocols"
summary = {}
for host in hosts.split("+"):
ret, res = bird_command(host, proto, command)
res = res.split("\n")
if len(res) > 1: #if ret:
data = []
for line in res[1:]:
line = line.strip()
if line and ( line.split() + [""] )[1] not in SUMMARY_UNWANTED_PROTOS:
m = re.match(SUMMARY_RE_MATCH ,line)
if m:
app.logger.warning("couldn't parse: %s" , line)
summary[host] = data
summary[host] = { "error" : "\n".join(res) }
return render_template('summary.html', summary=summary, command=command)
def detail(hosts, proto):
name = request.args.get('q', '')
set_session("detail", hosts, proto, name)
command = "show protocols all %s" % name
detail = {}
for host in hosts.split("+"):
ret, res = bird_command(host, proto, command)
res = res.split("\n")
if len(res) > 1 : #if ret:
detail[host] = { "status": res[1], "description": add_links(res[2:]) }
detail[host] = { "status": "bird error: %s" % "\n".join(res), "description": "" }
return render_template('detail.html', detail=detail, command=command)
def traceroute(hosts, proto):
q = request.args.get('q', '')
set_session("traceroute", hosts, proto, q)
infos = {}
for host in hosts.split("+"):
status, resultat = bird_proxy(host, proto, "traceroute", q)
infos[host] = add_links(resultat)
return render_template('traceroute.html', infos=infos)
def show_route_where(hosts, proto):
return show_route("where", hosts, proto)
def show_route_where_detail(hosts, proto):
return show_route("where_detail", hosts, proto)
def show_route_for(hosts, proto):
return show_route("prefix", hosts, proto)
def show_route_for_detail(hosts, proto):
return show_route("prefix_detail", hosts, proto)
def show_route(req_type, hosts, proto):
expression = request.args.get('q', '')
set_session(req_type, hosts, proto, expression)
all = (req_type.endswith("detail") and " all" or "" )
if req_type.startswith("where"):
command = "show route where net ~ [ " + expression + " ]" + all
mask = ""
if len(expression.split("/")) > 1:
expression, mask = (expression.split("/"))
if not mask and proto == "ipv4" : mask = "32"
if not mask and proto == "ipv6" : mask = "128"
if not mask_is_valid(mask):
return error_page("mask %s invalid" % mask)
if proto == "ipv6" and not ipv6_is_valid(expression):
try: expression = resolve(expression, "AAAA")
except: return error_page("%s unresolvable/invalid" % expression)
if proto == "ipv4" and not ipv4_is_valid(expression):
try: expression = resolve(expression, "A")
except: return error_page("%s unresolvable/invalid" % expression)
if mask: expression += "/" + mask
command = "show route for " + expression + all
detail = {}
for host in hosts.split("+"):
ret, res = bird_command(host, proto, command)
res = res.split("\n")
if len(res) > 1 : #if ret:
detail[host] = add_links(res)
detail[host] = "bird error: %s" % "\n".join(res)
return render_template('route.html', detail=detail, command=command, expression=expression )
app.secret_key = app.config["SESSION_KEY"]
app.debug = True
if __name__ == "__main__":"")