
122 lines
3.9 KiB

package main
import (
func getASNRepresentation(asn string) string {
records, err := net.LookupTXT(fmt.Sprintf("AS%s.%s", asn, setting.dnsInterface))
if err != nil {
// DNS query failed, only use ASN as output
return fmt.Sprintf("AS%s", asn)
result := strings.Join(records, " ")
if resultSplit := strings.Split(result, " | "); len(resultSplit) > 1 {
result = strings.Join(resultSplit[1:], "\\n")
return fmt.Sprintf("AS%s\\n%s", asn, result)
func birdRouteToGraphviz(servers []string, responses []string, target string) string {
graph := make(map[string]string)
// Helper to add an edge
addEdge := func(src string, dest string, attr string) {
key := "\"" + src + "\" -> \"" + dest + "\""
_, present := graph[key]
// Do not remove edge's attributes if it's already present
if present && len(attr) == 0 {
graph[key] = attr
// Helper to set attribute for a point in graph
addPoint := func(name string, attr string) {
key := "\"" + name + "\""
_, present := graph[key]
// Do not remove point's attributes if it's already present
if present && len(attr) == 0 {
graph[key] = attr
addPoint("Target: "+target, "[color=red,shape=diamond]")
for serverID, server := range servers {
response := responses[serverID]
if len(response) == 0 {
addPoint(server, "[color=blue,shape=box]")
// This is the best split point I can find for bird2
routes := strings.Split(response, "\tvia ")
routeFound := false
for routeIndex, route := range routes {
var routeNexthop string
var routeASPath string
var routePreferred bool = routeIndex > 0 && strings.Contains(routes[routeIndex-1], "*")
// Have to look at previous slice to determine if route is preferred, due to bad split point selection
for _, routeParameter := range strings.Split(route, "\n") {
if strings.HasPrefix(routeParameter, "\tBGP.next_hop: ") {
routeNexthop = strings.TrimPrefix(routeParameter, "\tBGP.next_hop: ")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(routeParameter, "\tBGP.as_path: ") {
routeASPath = strings.TrimPrefix(routeParameter, "\tBGP.as_path: ")
if len(routeASPath) == 0 {
// Either this is not a BGP route, or the information is incomplete
// Connect each node on AS path
paths := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(routeASPath), " ")
for pathIndex := range paths {
paths[pathIndex] = strings.TrimPrefix(paths[pathIndex], "(")
paths[pathIndex] = strings.TrimSuffix(paths[pathIndex], ")")
// First step starting from originating server
if len(paths) > 0 {
if len(routeNexthop) > 0 {
// Edge from originating server to nexthop
addEdge(server, "Nexthop:\\n"+routeNexthop, (map[bool]string{true: "[color=red]"})[routePreferred])
// and from nexthop to AS
addEdge("Nexthop:\\n"+routeNexthop, getASNRepresentation(paths[0]), (map[bool]string{true: "[color=red]"})[routePreferred])
addPoint("Nexthop:\\n"+routeNexthop, "[shape=diamond]")
routeFound = true
} else {
// Edge from originating server to AS
addEdge(server, getASNRepresentation(paths[0]), (map[bool]string{true: "[color=red]"})[routePreferred])
routeFound = true
// Following steps, edges between AS
for pathIndex := range paths {
if pathIndex == 0 {
addEdge(getASNRepresentation(paths[pathIndex-1]), getASNRepresentation(paths[pathIndex]), (map[bool]string{true: "[color=red]"})[routePreferred])
// Last AS to destination
addEdge(getASNRepresentation(paths[len(paths)-1]), "Target: "+target, (map[bool]string{true: "[color=red]"})[routePreferred])
if !routeFound {
// Cannot find a path starting from this server
addEdge(server, "Target: "+target, "[color=gray,label=\"?\"]")
// Combine all graphviz commands
var result string
for edge, attr := range graph {
result += edge + " " + attr + ";\n"
return "digraph {\n" + result + "}\n"