
122 lines
3.3 KiB

package main
import (
// The protocol name for each route (e.g. "ibgp_sea02") is encoded in the form:
// unicast [ibgp_sea02 2021-08-27 from fd86:bad:11b7:1::1] * (100/1015) [i]
var protocolNameRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\[(.*?) .*\]`)
// Try to split the output into one chunk for each route.
// Possible values are defined at
var routeSplitRe = regexp.MustCompile("(unicast|blackhole|unreachable|prohibited)")
var routeViaRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^\t(via .*?)$`)
var routeASPathRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^\tBGP\.as_path: (.*?)$`)
func makeEdgeAttrs(preferred bool) RouteAttrs {
result := RouteAttrs{
"fontsize": "12.0",
if preferred {
result["color"] = "red"
return result
func makePointAttrs(preferred bool) RouteAttrs {
result := RouteAttrs{}
if preferred {
result["color"] = "red"
return result
func birdRouteToGraph(servers []string, responses []string, target string) RouteGraph {
graph := makeRouteGraph()
graph.AddPoint(target, false, RouteAttrs{"color": "red", "shape": "diamond"})
for serverID, server := range servers {
response := responses[serverID]
if len(response) == 0 {
graph.AddPoint(server, false, RouteAttrs{"color": "blue", "shape": "box"})
routes := routeSplitRe.Split(response, -1)
for routeIndex, route := range routes {
if routeIndex == 0 {
var via string
var paths []string
var routePreferred bool = strings.Contains(route, "*")
// Track non-BGP routes in the output by their protocol name, but draw them altogether in one line
// so that there are no conflicts in the edge label
var protocolName string
if match := routeViaRe.FindStringSubmatch(route); len(match) >= 2 {
via = strings.TrimSpace(match[1])
if match := routeASPathRe.FindStringSubmatch(route); len(match) >= 2 {
pathString := strings.TrimSpace(match[1])
if len(pathString) > 0 {
paths = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(match[1]), " ")
for i := range paths {
paths[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(paths[i], "(")
paths[i] = strings.TrimSuffix(paths[i], ")")
if match := protocolNameRe.FindStringSubmatch(route); len(match) >= 2 {
protocolName = strings.TrimSpace(match[1])
if routePreferred {
protocolName = protocolName + "*"
if len(paths) == 0 {
graph.AddEdge(server, target, strings.TrimSpace(protocolName+"\n"+via), makeEdgeAttrs(routePreferred))
// Edges between AS
for i := range paths {
var src string
var label string
// Only show nexthop information on the first hop
if i == 0 {
src = server
label = strings.TrimSpace(protocolName + "\n" + via)
} else {
src = paths[i-1]
label = ""
dst := paths[i]
graph.AddEdge(src, dst, label, makeEdgeAttrs(routePreferred))
// Only set color for next step, origin color is set to blue above
graph.AddPoint(dst, true, makePointAttrs(routePreferred))
// Last AS to destination
src := paths[len(paths)-1]
graph.AddEdge(src, target, "", makeEdgeAttrs(routePreferred))
return graph
func birdRouteToGraphviz(servers []string, responses []string, targetName string) string {
graph := birdRouteToGraph(servers, responses, targetName)
return graph.ToGraphviz()